วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

My journal that fiveth weeks

On the death of 26 August -1 September,2007.
On Sunday,Today I and my family went to Central bangna.I and my family has lunch together at there.After that I and my family went to saw the movie.When I and my family saw the movie that to finished.Then I and my family ate an ice-cream.And then I and my family to strolls along,and shopping.At 7.30 p.m. I and my family has dinner.After that I and my family came back to home at 8.45 p.m. When I and my family arrived at home.Then I took a bath.After that I sat to watched television with my family. I watched television about news.When I was to feel sleepy.Then I went to slept,but before I went to slept.I read the text book before to slept.Today I read the book from 10.51p.m.-12.30 a.m. After that then I went to slept.Today I was to tired very much.
On Monday, I got up at 9.30 a.m.When I waked up then I has breakfast.After that I took a bath.Today I woke up late,so today I has to studied at 9.30 a.m.But when I woke up then it was to late already.Then I went out from my home at 11.30 a.m.,and I arrived to university at 12.11p.m. for studied World Civilization subject.When I studied that to finished.I has a foreigner that one men.He was to question me about myself.He was to asked my mobile telephone number,and he told with me that he would like to knew with me.So that I don’t know that why.His name is Mac.Next I has class to 5.00 p.m.When I was to studied that to finished.I came back to home.At 6.30 p.m.I arrived at home.When I arrived at home.After that I took a bath.And then I read the book from 8.30-9.00 p.m.Today I read the book that just 30 minute. After that I watched television,and between I watching television.Mac,so today he got asked my mobile telephone number.He call to me.I told with him that just moment.After that I played internet.I went to slept at 1.15 a.m.
On Tuesday,I woke up at 7.00 a.m. I took a bath.After that I was to got dressed for went to university.I went out from my home at 8.30 a.m.,and I arrived to Abac at 9.25 a.m.Today in class I studied about the performer on the textbook.I was Lazarov.When I was to studied that to finished.I went to The mall for has lunch with my boyfriend.After that I return to university for studied about ethics.When I was to studied that to finished.I came back to home.After that I took a bath.When I took a bath that to finished.I was to check my e-mail on internet.I played internet that just moment.After that I has dinner,and I watched television.After that I read the book 1 hour.When I was to finished from read the book.Then I listen to music.After that I call mobile telephone to my friend.When I was to finished.After that I went to slept.
On Wednesday,I got up at 9.30 a.m.Today I has studied at 12.30 p.m.When I woke up then I took a bath.After that I was to got dressed.I went out to my home at 10.00 a.m.When I arrived at Abac.I has breakfast with my boyfriend and my friends.I sat with my boyfriend and my friends that just moment.Then the rain heavily.So that it made me got into the class that not to be in time.Then I got into the class at 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.When I was to finished from studied. After that I was to hurry back my home that promptly.When I arrived at my home.I took a bath,and after that I watched television with my family.After that I read the book,and ate cake.When I read the book that to finished.I went to slept.Today I drank water before to slept.Because it made my skin that bright.
On Thursday,Today I woke up at 8.00 a.m.After that I has breakfast,and then I took a bath.I arrived to Abac at 9.30 a.m.Today in class I got to present about Thai boxing.After that when I finished from studied.I went to The mall for has lunch with my boyfriend.After that I went to saw the the movie.When I saw the movie that to finised.Then I went to Ramkhamhang University for studied.I has to studied to 7.00 p.m.After that I came back to home,so today at night the rian heavily.I was to be exposed to rain,so that it made me that to catch a cold.When I arrived to my home.I took a bath.After that I has to do my homework.When I has to do my homework that finished.I went to slept at 11.50 p.m.,and then today I ate the drug before to slept.Because I was to be afraid that I will to catch a cold more than first.Today I read the book to got three page,so it was very few for me.
On Friday,Today I don’t has studied.Then I was to stayed at home.I was to relax.I woke up at 12.30 p.m.After I woke up.I has lunch,and cookie,so it was to candy as me like.I watched television,and listen to music.I was to time consuming in today for to do my homework that give to finish.I sat to do my homework that a long time,but then it not yet to finish.I was to be bored with it.Then I went out form my home.I went to siam in the evening for met my friends.When I arrived to siam.I ate ice-cream.When I ate ice-cream that to finished.I and my friends went to Central world for sing to kalaoke at there.After I and my friends sing to kalaoke that to finished. I and my friends I and my friends with together.When I and my friends has dinner that to finished.Then I and my friends came back to home.I arrived to my home at 9.15 p.m.After that I read the book.Next I took a bath.I went to slept at 2.10 a.m.I was to stay up late becauseI was to do my homework.
On Saturday,I waked up at 8.00 a.m.I has studied at 9.00 a.m.,so I was to late.When I was to studied that to finished.I went to Payathai hospital for met the doctor because I don’t feel well.After I met the doctor that to finished.I went to siam center for met my old friends,and has lunch.I and my old friends went to took a photograph at “Photo shop”When to finished.I and my old friends sat to ate the snack at “w.o.c. restaurant” I and my old friends sat,and conversation that together.After that I and my old friends came back to home.I came back to home by taxi.After I arrived to home.I took a bath,and then I was to got dressed for went to “Weza pub”because today is birthday my friends.So she was my closefriend stayed at Abac.I arrived to“Weza pub”at 9.25 p.m.,and came back to home 2.30 a.m.When I arrived to my home.I took a bath.And then I went to slept at 3.45 a.m.
