วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My journal that to fourth week

On the death of 19-25 August,2007.
On Sunday,I got up at10.30 a.m. I took a bath.After that I went to out from my home with my family for has lunch that together.I and my family went to Akekamai soi 18 for has lunch.It was restaurant that sell about Chinese noodles with soup.It was the delicious very much.When to finished from has lunch.After that I and my family went to Central bangna for ate ice-cream together.I and my family university When I arrived to my home. After that I took a bath.And then I read the book.When I read the book that to finished.Then I went to slept.I went to slept at 11.45 p.m.
On Monday,I woke up at 8.30 a.m. I took a bath.After that I has breakfast with my family.Today I don’t came to university.Because I was to busy with my family.I and my family went to Asok for met the relation there.When to finished from met the relation.I and my family went to the restaurant for has lunch. After that I and my family went to Central bangna because my father wanted to buy the clothes.I walked to until that I was to tired. I and my family has dinner at there.When to finished from has dinner. I and my family came back to home at 9.30 p.m. After that when I and my family arrived to home.Then we were watched to television together.When I felt sleepy then I took a bath.When to finished from took a bath then I read the text book about the law.After that when I read the text book that to finished.I went to slept at 1.45 a.m.I was to stay up late because I has to read the book,so I was to nearly that to examine.And now I feel tense.
On Tuesday,I got up at 7.00 a.m.After that when I woke up.I took a bath. After that I has breakfast with my sister and my younger sister. I went out from my home at 8.30 a.m.I arrived the university at 9.15 a.m.After that I met my friends and then I went to my class.When I was to finished from my class.I has lunch at 11.00 a.m. I has lunch with my friends and my boyfriend After that I and my boyfriend went to The mall for saw the movie.When I saw the movie that to finished. After that I came back to home at 8.30 p.m.After that I told with my sister and my younger sister.And then watched to the television. When I was to bored from watched to the television. Then I took a bath. After that I call telephone to my friend. After that I read the text book.Today I read the text book got to few because I was to tired.After that I took a bath and then I went to slept.
On Wednesday, I woke up at 9.30 a.m. And I went to my class. I went out from my home at 10.45 a.m.Today I has studied at 12.30 p.m.Before I went to my class.I got to stop in for has lunch with my boyfriend. Today I felt has a headache.Because I may be rest to few,so to lately I got to slept that few.I has studied to 6.00 p.m.When I was to finished from my class.Then I came back to my home that the immediately.In the evening for today that traffic jam very much.It made me arrived to home that to slow. I arrived to my home at 7.30 p.m. After that I took a bath.When I took a bath that to finished.Then I has dinner with my family.After that I and my family watched to the television together. After that I was to wrote my dialy about situation,so I got to met in today.I went to slept at 11.50 p.m.Today I was to prayed before to slept.
On Thursday,I got up at 7.15 a.m. I took a bath.After that I has breakfast. I went out from my home at 8.30 a.m.When I arrived at Abac.I told with my friends. After that I went to my class.Today I was to examination.When I was to examination that to finished.Then I told with my friends that moment. After that at I has lunch with my boyfriend.And then I came back to my home at 4.30 p.m. After that when I to my home.I played internet with my younger sister.After that I has dinner.I took a bath at 8.45 p.m.I was to began to read the book at 10.00 p.m.-11.00 p.m.I was to demanding much time with it that 1 hour. After that I took a bath.And then I went to slept 1.20 a.m.
On Friday,I got up at 11.15 a.m.Today I was to stayed at home to 2.00 p.m.after that I went out from my home for went to university because I has to met with my friends in the afternoon.When I arrived to university.Then I has lunch with my friends,and told with my friends.When in the evening I arrived to my home at 6.30 p.m.After that when I arrived to my home.Then I took bath.When I took bath that to finished.My friends that called telephone to me,and to invite for went to pub at night.I went to pub at 8.30 p.m.,so today has a lot of men.I arrived to my home at 1.30 a.m.After that I took a bath,and then I went to slept.
On Saturday,I waked up at 7.00 a.m. After that I took a bath.When I took a bath that to finished.I has breakfast, and than I want to the university. I arrived to Abac at 8.10 a.m.When I arrived to Abac then I met my friends,and told with my Fridays.After that I went to my class at 9.00-11.00 a.m.After that I went to siam for has lunch,and buy the clothes.When I was to do the busy that to finished.Then I came back to my home at 4.30 p.m. by the sky train. I arrived to my home at 5.45 p.m.I got to met my younger sister,so to staying in the garden at home,and I told to her.After that I has into my home.I went to the kitchen because I was hungry. After that I was to do my homework for send to gine teacher.
