วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My journal on the date of 13-18 August,third weeks.

On Monday, I got up at 6.00 a.m. When I waked up then I has breakfast.After that I took a bath.I went to out from my home at 8.00 a.m.Today not traffic jam it may be that the official holiday,so many family will stayed at province because it was to long holiday.Today my father,he went to send me at the university.When I arrived at university. I got to do the questionnaire about central world the department store.Therefore that my friends to do gave me that.When to finished I sat to told with my friends just moment.After that I was into the classroom,and then to studied.When I was to finished that to studied.I has lunch with my friends at 11.00 a.m. When I has lunch with my friends that to finished.Then I went to the library for read the book.After that at 12.30 p.m. I was into the classroom.I has studied to 2.00 p.m.and I has studied next subject to 5.00 p.m.After that I need to studied at Ramkhamhang university to 9.00 p.m.When I arrived at home then I took a bath. I went to slept at 1.30 a.m. I was to stayed up late because I watched to the television, so it was the program on television that I like.
On Tuesday,I got up at 7.30 a.m. Today I was to drove for went to studied. It was traffic jam very much,so it made me came to university that to late.Today in the classroom.I got to do my home by I need to summarize about chapter 16 of The Firm,and I has to present on Thursday.When I was to finished that to studied.I went to The mall for has lunch.After that I went to Sukumvit Road for met my friends as they was my old friends.I arrived my home at 7.30 p.m. and then I took a bath.After that I watched to television with my sisther,and I told to her about everything such as I would like to knew.I went to slept at 12.45 a.m.
On Wednesday,I got up at 10.00 a.m.I arrived at 11.10 a.m.and then I has lunch with my friends at “coco reataurant” beside Abac.Today I has studied to 6.00 p.m.It was to boring.In tonight I got to receive that information from my old friend about my a close friend.He was to ill,and now he was to stayed at hospital.But I has to be able to met someone in person then I called to him.Because I has a headache from in the morning,and to all day.I took a bath at 7.30 p.m. After that I send my homework on internet.I went to slept at 8.30 p.m.,and today I ate a drug before I will to slept.
On Thursday,I got up at 7.20 a.m. I took a bath.After that I has breakfast.When I arrived at Abac.I was into the classroom.Today I was to finished that to studied at 10.30 a.m.because at Abac bangna campus has to contest of volleyball in Universiade Bangkok.Then I went to Abac bangna campus.I went to Abac bangna campus by my car with my friend.When I arrived at Abac bangna campus then I was to stop in to met my old friend at his the dormitory.I has lunch with my friends,and my old friend. When I was to finished from Abac bangna campus.I went to siam center.I arrived at home at 8.45 p.m.After that I took a bath.Next I read the book. I went to slept at 01.30 a.m
On Friday,I was to stayed at home.After that in the afternoon I went to Bangkok hospital for visited that my old friend. When I was to finished from visited that my old friend at Bangkok hospital.I came back to home at 5.30 p.m.I was to relax,and watched television. After that I took a bath,and into my bedroom for told to mobile telephone with my friend. After that I was to start the machine of the radio for listen to music,and then I was to slept.
On Saturday, I woke up at 7.00 a.m. I took a bath.After that I has breakfast.I arrived to Abac at 8.45 a.m. I was to finished that to studied.I got to take heed of my boyfriend went to hospital for met to the doctor because the doctor got to met him. After that I has lunch at 1.50 p.m.I has lunch with my boyfriend.When I was to finished form ate lunch.Then I came back to home. After that I watched to the television,and relax.Today I was to exercise because now I was very fat.I has to overload,so that I don’t to require. After that I took a bath.
