วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Vocabulary on chapter16

1.Pretend Informal imitation;make believe.
2.Operation Medicine a surgical procedure for remedying an
injury,ailment,defect,or dysfunction.
3.Associate To join as a parther,ally, or friend.
4.Briefcase A portable,often flat case with a handle,used for carrying
or books.
5.Photocopy A photographic or xerographic reproduction.
6.Neighbouring In the vicinity
7.Suitcase A usually rectangular piece of luggage for carrying clothing.
8.Manage To direct or control the use of;handle:manage a complex
machine tool.
9.Suspect To think (a person) guilty without proof.
10.Cupboard A closet or cabinet,crockery.
